Shared Security: Social Media Security Podcast 19 – New Changes to Facebook, Social Media Risk Survey, LinkedIn Scams

Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson 11/1/10 - Episode Page

This is the 19th episode of the Social Media Security Podcast recorded October 8, 2010.  This episode was hosted by Tom Eston and Scott Wright. Below are the show notes, links to articles and news mentioned in the podcast:

* Social Media Security Awareness Month – at SecureState! Two new white paper’s released: Security Gaps in Social Media Websites for Children Open Door to Attackers Aiming To Prey On Children by Scott White. Profiling User Passwords on Social Networks by Tom Eston

* SocialScan service and social media consulting available.

* Panda Security Publishes Findings from First Annual Social Media Risk Index for SMBs

* Survey: Fear of data loss, security risks via social media sites on the upswing

* Facebook Competitor Diaspora Hit With Security Criticisms

* New changes to Facebook.  What you need to know:

* New groups (tag people just like places).  Ability to download all of your data to a zip file. Dashboard for more granular control of applications. New one time password feature and session controls

* Facebook Groups: Privacy Blunder or Twitter Replacement?

* Don’t Get Duped by LinkedIn Spam Scam

Please send any show feedback to feedback [aT] or comment below.  You can also call our voice mail box at 1-613-693-0997 if you have a question for our Q&A section on the next episode.  You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and follow us on Twitter.  Thanks for listening!