Shared Security: Social Media Security Podcast 15 – Current Facebook Security Issues, New Privacy Tools, Likejacking, Formspring, Social Media at Work

Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson 6/19/10 - Episode Page

This is the 15th episode of the Social Media Security Podcast recorded June 11th, 2010.  This episode was hosted by Tom Eston and Scott Wright.  Below are the show notes, links to articles and news mentioned in the podcast:

* Our Facebook Privacy & Security Guide has been updated to v2.2.  We are working on the LinkedIn Privacy & Security Guide!

* How to permanently delete your Facebook account

* Quit Facebook Day – May 31st was it successful?

* Facebook Leaks Usernames, User IDs, and Personal Details to Advertisers

* Facebook Fixing Embarrassing Privacy Bug (CSRF). Video here.

* Facebook “likejacking” targets World Cup, BP, Shrek, UFC, …

* – Facebook Privacy Scanner

* Facebook firehose comes to Bing

* XSS flaw

* MySpace Announces New Privacy Controls

* Social media pose the latest challenge in separating work from personal spaces

Please send any show feedback to feedback [aT] or comment below.  You can also call our voice mail box at 1-613-693-0997 if you have a question for our Q&A section on the next episode.  You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Thanks for listening!