Shared Security: Social Media Security Podcast 13 – Details on the recent changes to Facebook, Blippy CC issue, Bye bye Basic Auth

Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson Tom Eston, Scott Wright, Kevin Johnson 5/4/10 - Episode Page

This is the 13th episode of the Social Media Security Podcast recorded April 30, 2010.  This episode was hosted by Tom Eston and Scott Wright.  Below are the show notes, links to articles and news mentioned in the podcast:

* New Facebook Changes – Social Graph, Social Plugins and Instant Personalization.  Here are two articles to read on the new changes. Want to know more about the new Graph API? Read Facebook’s documentation.

* Tom updated his Facebook Privacy & Security Guide to version 2.1.  This update includes all the latest changes to Facebook.  Download and share with friends and family!

* Opps. Blippy Users’ Credit Card Numbers Exposed in Google Search Results. Does it really matter? They just got more funding!

* 1.5 million stolen Facebook IDs up for sale

* Twitter to remove Basic Authentication for AppsOnly OAuth allowed now. That’s a good thing!

Please send any show feedback to feedback [aT] or comment below.  You can also call our voice mail box at 1-613-693-0997 if you have a question for our Q&A section on the next episode.  You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Thanks for listening!