Skäringer & Nessvold: Hampus gängverksamhet och Mia fast för snatteri

Polpo Play Polpo Play 3/26/23 - 41m - PDF Transcript

It's Monday morning. Brace yourselves, Runa's granddaughter is hitchhiking all the way to Copenhagen.

To the sound of the police. Life lesson. Never lie to your mother about canoeing in the Wurtzhvern.

Anyway, this is wearing a and nest fold. A quite confident polpo production. Welcome to whatever episode this might be.

Why am I wearing headphones? I don't have one.

You want headphones?

This is when you're in the first class and I'm sitting behind the drapery in the second class.

No, it was almost more pleasant and I didn't have headphones.

Is it more like a conversation?


I have a bit of a hard time sitting in these curtains. I don't know.

I look very relaxed on a nonchalant way when my arms are up.

I'm more prepared than I can do when I drive and I'm a bit stressed that I'm sitting very far ahead.


You're going to be driving.

Yes, but if you keep your legs down as you've done, then it can be very annoying.

When I'm sitting at home, I'm sitting on the floor and I've found that the mic doesn't touch me.

I'm sitting on the floor and it's so uncomfortable.

So now I want to enjoy the fact that I have a front seat.

Yes, I think that's the Japanese style that I call the front seat. I like it.

Are you not so nervous when you have a mic on the floor?

No, it's always nice to see each other for real.

Yes, of course.

It's going to be something when you sit with this little mic in your own life and tell about your everyday life.

Have it been the last time you ask me to take the ball directly?

We have to have some kind of check-in.

Yes, because we've been out and about. Now you've been very shy, let's say.

In our relationship, we've had a time where Mamma Mia has been very home-based.

She has also been very flexible.

A lot of home flexibility in some ways.

You already felt that.

So I've already backed up a bit.

But I've been in a lot of writing phase and that's why I've been able to correct myself a little bit more after you've been playing.

Now I'm going into a lot of games and things and I'm going to keep on playing and playing on different trains.

I'm going into masks and costumes and stuff.

So now I'm not going to be so damn flexible.

And that's why we'll see now. Are we going to find a new one?

Because your life is going on all the time.

You don't have a villa and no home now.

So now we're going to find new lucks in our relationship.

Where we're both very busy and take a little bit of support.

But I think it feels simple because you're going up to Stockholm.

It's been a year where I've been to Gothenburg quite a lot.

You've been there a lot.

You've done that and you're going to have a lot of credit for that.

Yes, that's right.

And now you've turned a little bit and we're going to start to see you in Stockholm.

I think that's easy. You can go there as long as you want.

No, I can't.

Because when I, for example, play in the sun side, I'm always cold first.

Until my face.

So I'm going to be circumcised.

Yes, 034.




Sometimes if I have a tour, it can be very happy.

The days when I see that it's 06, 10.

Or at least that we have passed 6.

Because I'm sitting and getting airbrushed.

Before self-mask.

Is it right to get rid of it?

No, it's very difficult. I have the rest.

When you look at my hands today, you see this.

Oh my God, is it the whole spring for you that comes out like this?

Yes, it is.

But it's a bit like spray tan, isn't it for yourself?

Yes, but it's sprayed with spray.

So it's slippery.

So when it sticks, it sticks when it doesn't stop on the clothes.

And to get rid of it, I have to spray.

And if I have four recording days on the shelf.

And she has sprayed my arms.

Then I don't sweat from it at night.

Then I go out and live my private life.

How difficult it can be for me.

How does it feel?

I feel like I'm wearing clothes.

Not me, Mia.

Does something happen to your personality when you go out in the ordinary life with an untreated body?

No, I want to have it.

I have to get rid of everything.

But I feel much cleaner with my tattoos.

Because it's me.

Of course.

But I can't sweat.

We started sweating a year after each other.

It was hell.

And I mean, I got an exam from this spray.

Do you sweat every day?

Yes, of course I sweat.

That's how we thought we would start from the beginning.

Because we wanted to be good.

But now we have come to just to spray over.

But what is your life?

It feels like we have gone past each other.

Quite a lot.

Two weeks later.

And what answer do you seek after?

Outer or deep, long, short?

You can actually have everyone in this question.

Where am I in my life?

What a great question.

You should talk to Mikkel.

I feel like I'm in therapy.

But now I'm in therapy.

You were half a meter away from Mikkel.

I was checking out.

So I had to have...

If you ask me where I am in my life,

I want to see the horizon.

You can look into a garden.

You see the horizon.

You see the A.C.A.S. office.

But A.C.A.S. also has a horizon.

And there is a dog over there.

You can look forward.

I have a pretty good place.

If we are going to challenge it,

I did some kind of warning.

Now we are setting a point

to drive some questions.

And this heavy...

Now I have to be more relaxed.

I have to go back to my hormones.

I have been quite relaxed.

I have actually done that.

I have that feeling right now.

That it is a lot of fun.

The project I am going into.

There is a lot of light.

We are going to bathe now.

But how do you see your weeks?

We have been thinking about it for weeks.

You have to have shocked your system.

You have to have hung in a corner in the corner.

What shocked your system?

I want to get into the corner,

the driving, the meeting, the recording.

You have not been so quiet at the beginning.


It feels like I have been in with that.

If you had a motor stop,

you would come with a start cable.

And push into your car.

And then it says to keep the engine on.

How do you stop the engine?

The car dies.

Now you have to drive around.

Have you taken the battery out?

You have to drive.

In any case, for an hour,

you have to keep the car on.

That is how I am now.

You have to keep the car on.

Because now I have taken the start cables

and crashed into the car.

That is what I said earlier.

It is not one ball,

it is like 14 balls.

Yes, but it is not possible to control it.

Have you ever been able to control it?

You are pretty good at that.

One thing at a time.

Now I have been doing this for too long.

Now it is that I have

I have written and worked on many projects.

And now the bingo balls

have sprouted down in the movement

and come out.

70 pieces of bingo balls have sprouted down in the movement

and roll around.

And now they are going to be thrown out.

20 pieces of them.

Now suddenly someone says,

Yes, we want to do this.

Then it is okay.

No, no, it is not possible.

Yes, but then we start that.

Then we have to do that.

But this is the first time I have experienced you

as a flexible, actually.

That you can pair these balls

and then you can find them

at different places all the time.

That you are not on a lot of different places.

I do not want to.

Stockholm, Gothenburg.

I do not want to be in different rooms

with different people.

That it is not on your will.

I feel like it was long ago

that it was not on your will.

Because you have been to many of your own projects

as much as a book tour.

Then what led you to the pod.

I think you have to find yourself

in some way.


For me, I think you have

got to know some of me.

You have found yourself

an over-flexible person

before you came into my life.

Yes, that's right.

When I was as old as you,

then I was everywhere

at the same time.

I was involved in all projects.

I was involved in so many different

with many different people.

So in the end I felt like no,

now I really have to

put myself in the shoes.

And then you came into my life.

When I had decided that

now I do my own things.

Now I can not.

And then I think you understood me

as a very on my own will.

Because it was a very long time

on everyone else's will.

Which was also really fun.

Because that was my career.

Of course it must be on others wills.

Until you have a mandate

to be able to say no.

You have built up a relationship

with your audience.

And you can say no.

But now it's on my wills.

I think it feels like an exciting period

in that you have been so clear with my limits.

You feel that the limits have moved a little.

Then I immediately start to think

how far can we turn on them?

How far can we go?

You should not turn on them too much.

I think when you have

started the engine and you have to put it on,

then you can.

Then you should accelerate up to five.

Can we test how fast can it go?

Then the driver can come in.

You should not drive the car too fast.

What is it called?

You do with mopeds.

What do you do with mopeds?

You trim them.

That's what you want to do.

You want to trim the mopeds that I do.

That's what you're going to do.

Of course and clearly.

Because you don't have that.

As long as I can handle it.

But of course there is when it's worth it.

If it would tip, it would tip.

I don't want to be with you.

I don't think so.

I try to think about what it is that I have

thought a lot about in the past week.

Especially about how you feel.

That you are afraid that I will burn out.

That it will go too fast.

You should always be afraid of that.

That the acceleration phase itself

has gone too fast.


And I'm never worried about it for my own part.

When you say,

now I have two things at the same time.

Yes, exactly.

Because you work all the time as I do.

But we have the age difference there.

And then you have the children one.


Can you speak?

But if my daughter is going to Paris now,

for example,

then I know that I,

then I will have to work with myself

a little bit.

So that I don't go into the limelight.

The sign that I, like...

I will look for you.

Then I can choose.

Now she is in Paris.

We hear from her.

She is in Götts.


I will find you.

Which I might be a semester old.

We are eight.

What do you do?

What are you?

We are at lunch hour.

What is it now?

She says,

I don't hear anything more.

And then I wonder,

have they taken a drink too much?

Have they gone to the back street?


has someone touched her?

Are they on a prom?

Should I come now,

as Lianne Nisen with the weapon?

And I will kill you.

And throw me down,

over on the soaps,

to break me into this oil chicken,

which has touched her in a red-haired cup.

Oh my God.

Oh, but that has my existence.

You have to.

You have said this before,

that you are looking at bad things,

in order to keep quiet.

Now you are looking at nice things.

Now I think you should look at,

if you are in Paris,

you should choose to look at,

Emily in Paris,

thinking that this is how you live in Hely.

It's just romanticizing,

warm, good,

all friendly,

drinking a little wine,

and so on.

It's nice.

You go into the teacup

and play the whole film series.

Then you will go there.

I have done that.

And Hely,

I have been told,

but you actually have to,

you have to take it down now.

I know that I have to say it positively.

First of all,

I will always do that.

It will be so fun.

It will be.

So now you really have to enjoy it.

But you should never go to people's streets.

You don't leave each other at night.

Blah, blah, blah.

It's my idea.

Why do you think it's more dangerous

in Paris than in Stockholm,

or Gothenburg?

Because Paris doesn't feel like my daughter.

You are laughing.

You are waiting for your child.

Now you are sitting here.

No, I am laughing.

Now I am telling you,

to Lesha and Lysna,

now he is sitting back like this,

a little lovely in his neck,

and laughing a little bit.

I was lying like this,

and it was funny.


People on the streets,

you shouldn't go there.

I think it would have been so much

to have seen Teika more

than actually Paris,

and to have been here for a month.


it has to do with what I am doing.

I think that dangerous situations

are everywhere.

But Paris as a city

is damn good,

much bigger,

and has a lot more,

a lot more

in the forest.

But Paris is Paris.

It is a metropolis in Europe.


You have seen that movie.

Yes, absolutely.

You are very close to this.


So it is back here,

what is the most dangerous thing

in Paris in Stockholm?

Do you get it?

I can't go with you

in this place,

they are sparing me.

It is going to be great,

but you also have to be prepared

for the attack.

Yes, yes, yes.

Like Moria is.

But did you get to travel

on such a trip?

Because I think you have heard

that people left their way

when they were 15 years old,

a month to Greece,

and you went there.

I have written a biography

and you can read it

on page 73.

How much did I get?

You got to travel to Maldives.

I didn't get anything,

but I lied.

I told my mother and father

that I would paddle

in Vottsjön in Kalskoga.

You have yourself paddled,

we would rent a canoe

and paddle in Vottsjön

in Kalskoga.

So there Tabita

is the adults.

Kalskoga was like

two miles from Kristineham

where I was born.

And I lived there.

So you went to Kalskoga to party

and then you went to Kalskoga.

In Kalskoga I would paddle

in Vottsjön,

because it was something

that you could paddle in.

In Skjärvväg I was so lifted.

I was with a truck driver

to Köpenhamn

and then I was 14 years old.

And I lived in Rövarn.

That I am sitting here today

and I am pooding with you.

We can bring a shoe for that.

How did you get home

from Köpenhamn?

I was taken by the police,


I went to Fastforsnatteri.

In Köpenhamn?


I slipped a few polis boots.

Because it was modern

with these trumpet boots.

You should be special.

And I should always be

so damn special.

Then I slipped,

you know,

in a boutique,

in polis.

A little dilemma.

If you think about it,

a little dilemma boot.

I slipped in an affair

in Köpenhamn

on Ströget,


Where they had mirrors in the ceiling.

So she just came in

and said,

take the boots off.

In Danish,


but then I was transferred to the police car.

So they called the police

and two policemen came

and took me.

They took me arm in arm

over the whole Ströget.

Because they thought,

they were absolutely sure

that I had been there

and snatched,

because it was that.

But everyone went to Köpenhamn

to go to.

I don't know.


But you know the area.

In Kristiania.

Where you snatched,

no, I've never heard of it.

No, but Hampus Nessvold.


And you're talking about


And you're talking about

how it is in Paris.

That it's not so dangerous.

No, I'm talking about

how it is in Paris.

I'm trying to counter it.

No, you can have your words.

Kristiania is a free city

in Köpenhamn.

It's a city where

it has been

where you have been as a collective.

Now I explain

really badly,

that you have to please

correct me,

but that's my best.

It has been a free city,

a collective

where people have lived.

And there it has been

where you have been

as a collective, I think.

To use

like hash

or mariana.

Is it still there?

No, I don't think so.

I can do a little bit.

Please write me in

and correct me now.

Is it called Kristiania?

No, Kristiania.

Yes, it sounds like

some sort of

but before that

it was

a little more


You know,

a little bit like this.

But we live

out, we live like this

and it was a little more


They snatched their own

green things,

they had their own shoes

and shoes.

But what they had


didn't really exist

for a long time.

Because it has become

a collective place

for all drugs.

So that's


in a different way now.

In any case,

they were taken

by the police


then I got

called home,

you know,

to my mother

from a...


did you think

you were going to

paddle a whole weekend?

She thought

I called her

and then

talked a little bit

about how we had it

on the paddling tour

and the church bell

in Copenhagen.

And she

thought it was

fucking weird

that she called

a church bell

in Bottsjön i Kaskoga.

Then I got

told to her

that we weren't there.

Did you say

you were in Copenhagen?


we weren't there,

but I was in Wilding.

It wasn't the first

thing that happened

that my mother

got to choose

that caramel then.

What did she say?

What did she say

when you said

we weren't there

in Copenhagen?

Then she was

really angry

and shocked and

it was a process

and then she

decided to shut up

and then

she got to discuss

with her dad

and then

she wanted me

to take me home

and I said

I'll be back

in two days.


at some point

it was

the first shock.

The second shock

was maybe

one day later

when she


as a mother

she thought

if I'm a mother

fuck you

you know

the nervous system

you were

in the car

and went

we're going down

come on

let's go

I think my mother

was on the way

to do it too

I hadn't

waited for a second

I would have taken the


then I would have

shot it

in the technical room

the plane

I had sat


I didn't

remember the name

of the plane

but here

in Gothenburg

I had taken the


to buy a name

and then

I had



the whole fucking


so the next phone call

is that I get to call

my mother

and say


I'm on the line

with two police

and I've just

been arrested


I don't really have

anything to say

after that

and then


and I got to understand


you have

the whole


why I


is so fucking


with my children

now I understand

do you understand

they have never

they have never

been the closeness

of that image

that I


had in me

the image

the image of

the country

I feel


my whole


I feel

I live

I live

a little bit

I just want

that I am


confirmation bell


I have

also done



you have


I have never

had that


I may have lived

had it

because I had

no one

who wanted

I don't know

if that is

a emergency

in Hampus

not in that


you have


I have


close to the door


I have


close to the door


I have


close to the door



have bombarded

me on Instagram

like this

what is this


is it true?

and then I got to

start looking

what the hell is this


someone has




5-10 pictures

from my Instagram

and then




like this


I am not

that much

to go

to the gym



78 kilos


50 kilos

and then

they have just


your weight

and what you can

go down

and all that

it is


but then

you will

bother me

like this

you know

this old man

and the right



not like

what have they


they have taken

out and said



they want to take it away

you just want to



I want to change weight


do you like this


but write

right weight


and then

I have never worked


so it is also wrong

as wrong

in both cases




I have

I went out

and dismantled



got to go out

on Instagram


and write

so go absolutely

not in


you and buy

if you see this

if you look up

if you see it

you should go in

and write


where the money

goes to

or what happens

when you click

on that link

I have no idea

it is


that has cut the cable

with the hexaxon

up there

in the Umeå

they are going to



with anonymous

I wonder

what that means

both big

a little bit

now we will see

take on the mask

then we will do

a really



we are just going to

round off

because I have gone

to a podcast

here and told

that I have cut

you do not want to leave


we can not


I have cut

at least


got to come home

and go to

you know

meet at the social office

in Kriesenhamn

with mom and dad

so it was a really good

learn them

I got some kind of

pricks too

I know when you are

in that age

I did not

I did not go

to the youth schools

or so

I got a pricks

but you have to go

to Knarkområde

to Köpenhamn

and quickly

to learn

but I was not

now you have to learn

Kristiania is

it is an own


in Köpenhamn

a really nice city

that I still

love and go to

and I am not


no no

I also love


I will take you with me

I think we have to


no there are so many

you talk about

it is better

we do Köpenhamn

before you

do Paris

you care about

Italy too

we think

one thing at a time

it is

the same

it is

the same

we have to


in Europe

you think

you don't want me to

go to


when I was



I did



we will







I do


I want



The only thing I didn't think about was that my grandfather was from Lassberg.

He worked at Virensåkeri in Kristianhamn.

And he was, as you know, he knew everyone on all walks of life, and there were different walks of life.

So, in some way, he became aware that I was out and about with my colleagues.

Runes, children, children!

No, this is not what we're talking about.

I was runes now, you know.

Now that I'm out, I'm on my knees.

My shoes.

So, my grandfather was really tired of me.

He thought it was embarrassing, too.

That I called Sonny on the other side of the street.

So, he told you that you didn't get to lift him?

Yes, he was on me a few times, but that was...

It was a will that would be the worst.

But you could...

I mean, it's still...

I want to lift a lot to Stockholm.

I want to lift it even further.

So, you have to switch cars.

What do you do in the car when you go around talking to them?

You talk to them.

I have to say that I've never been with anyone.

When I'm in lift situations, I've only been with nice drivers.

I've never been with a snus guy, or something like that.

I've never been with a father.

What are you talking about?

You could sit there.

They have a bed behind the front seats.

It wasn't something with belts.

So, you have to listen to some kind of mixed music.

So, you sit there and talk to them.

You stop and eat something.

You get to be afraid of girls.

It was a little more like that.


But it's always after the trucks, right?

No, but you did it with drivers.

Someone who had a drive.

It worked like that in Kristina Hamm.

Then you knew that Johnny would drive to Stockholm now.

Because he has a drive there.

Then you called before and did it with Johnny.

You could go with Johnny to Stockholm.

We were always two girls who lifted.

I never lifted alone.

So, you went with Johnny to Stockholm.

Then you stopped and went to the corner.

And drank beer in Stockholm.


Then you slept over with someone.

Then you did it with us.

Then we took over.

Then you were in Malmö or Helsingborg.

Johnny, don't look away with your parents.

Is it okay to go to Stockholm now?

No, it didn't matter.

It was a quiet view.

It was a quiet view.

So, this was a piece of Urmia Scheringers,

a teenager's life,

who wonders why she always thinks

in such trauma terms with her own children.

You don't have a video at this time.

You should be able to play some kind of sound.


It was at that time that you had mobile phones.

I thought we could cut in between your and mine.

When I was singing in the church.

And you were in a truck with Johnny on the way to Copenhagen.

But when you say you haven't had...

What do you think?

Do you think you'll get a 40-year-old crisis?

Where you should be this young girl,

where you get a little panicked,

where you don't want to go out?

No, but I thought it was too late.

I thought it was when I came to Stockholm.

Then it came.

Now we're going to party.

Now we're going out.

I haven't been to a party once,

to have a chat.

And then I got panicked.

That you were with the party?

Yes, that I was in it.

They took glasses on,

on a market stand.

And then I wanted to go 20 meters away from them.

And then they were smoking at McDonald's.

I called them home,

and they told me about it.

And then I got panicked,

and stuck at home.

So I've always been left out,

when it's a little...

Yes, when it starts to get legalized.

We haven't even talked about

what we're going to buy.

It smells like crime.

Then I quickly got panicked,

because I was scared.

But then I thought we could meet halfway.

We have an understimulated,

an overstimulated,

in this genre.

But then maybe I...

If you're 28,

and I'm sitting and telling you these old stories,

at the same time as you take the glasses on yourself.

No, it doesn't help me.

But I think it's interesting to turn the mirror to you.

What do you think you've done?

Really, now.

I've just been with someone else,

when someone else has done it.

And that's why you like it.

That's why you like it, too.

You like it when you understand

other people's situation,

when you look around.

No, that hasn't been the case.

I've just been with them,

and looked at them,

and thought,

oh my God, it smells like them.

I'll never take them myself.

So I don't have anything in this genre

to contribute to.

Have you ever been panicked?

Yes, I've done that.

Yes, that's...

It could be dangerous.

Maybe I got my purchase of a hamster.

Because I did that once.

It was your Christiania.

Yes, my Christiania.

I grew up in Morötter,

and now I'm in Eric's country.

In Bordeaux.


who you're not even interested in eating.

But it was still fun to pick them up.

And you know, Eric,

he's probably afraid of his...

To get Morötter to become stronger,

down in Bordeaux.

It's a job,

when they're together.

He's afraid.

I lived in a house in Lanna,

it grew up in a small village.

I lived in the middle of a amusement park.

Then amusement park is a amusement park.

Well, I can say both of them.

I don't think there's anyone

who's going to like it,

who's writing the Ariadema we have.

But amusement park,

sounds like it's arranged and nice.

This was a place,

it was a grass field,

with two football goals,

a kind of gunga,

at that level.

And that lived,


he shared,

like, Tom,

with this amusement park.

There lived a man,

but it was Eric,

who was very old,

in a house.

And he had really nice,

grown-up houses,

and like,

tomatoes and cucumbers.

There were a lot of things here.

And then, of course,

you were out there playing,

it was very exciting.

Yes, because it looked so perfect,

like the canine in Aleppu.

You know how he has his land.

Exactly, it looked like that.

And then he was called,

he was called Snål Erik.

And that made him a generation,

for my mother's generation,

they also played in the amusement park,

and took things away from him.

And he became Ari,

so he got,

he didn't share his farm with his parents.

Oh, I'm sorry,

they had to have his,

this place became a amusement park.


And he called Snål,

because he didn't share his farm with his parents,

and the kids had to go and take his mother.

Well, they had to take his mother,

they just wanted to provoke him.

Very strange.

So then,


they all went up there,

and ran in,

and thought they were so busy,

but then they got stuck,

and got to show off

their mother's farm with their mother.

And then they heard

their mother's farm.

Well, that's kind of your conversation,

when you got stuck,

and bought a farm,

when you got to show off your mother's farm,

and then you got Snål Erik.

And then you understood

how good my mother was.


she came really easily,

I think.


A nice boy.

A lot of complaints with him.




I went to the school to Gothenburg,

for a weekend,

because I had a girl there,

and she called me on Monday,

and said,

don't you want to come home?


No, I'm in Gothenburg.

I do.

But you want to be with my girl,

in her farm?

Yes, it's not dangerous.

It's not dangerous.


And we weren't out,

and we were celebrating in Gothenburg,

God willing,

playing a sketch,

going to a theater,

and going to Jämsens.

I'm telling you,


instead of taking the farm,

I'm taking the farm,

a little bit.

But that's what I'm saying,

it should be very old,

here in your young body.


I was more like,

when you had to take care of the streets,

I wanted to go home.


now the dark is falling,

and people are full,

now we're going in.

Now we're not going on empty streets,


where you are,

now we're not going on empty streets.

No people on empty streets,

do you hear me?


But can it be because,

you have been in the room,

where you see the shit,

I went to Paris,

I have just seen the theater,

the hotel,

and the fine restaurant.

Emily in Paris,


the French people have

reacted to that series themselves,

and felt that it is here,


you say,

French people,

who says so?


but I don't think so,

there is a rich person,

who will declare it.


French men,

French women,

I don't know what to say.

I think they have also

reacted a bit to that picture,

you paint up from

France and Paris.

But that picture,

I don't just have France

and Paris,

they have the whole world.

But it is because

you have always chosen

to see such beautiful things.

We have different eyes,

I look after the worst,

the worst that can happen,

and you look after

the best that can happen.

And since you look at it,

it is really nice,

that you have that picture of Paris.

But there is one and the other,


who never seems to be in Paris,

who are standing on these people's streets,

afraid to throw themselves over.

And you have to have that,

you never get,

you have to be.

But I agree with that,

which is also because

I get so fucking scared,

when it happens,

it is so good to avoid that kind of,

like when I and William were out,

sometimes we would go to...

Always when you and William

are gone, then you know.

No, we have not traveled,

we are not going to travel.

Then you drank in the mountains

and you were in the living room,

and it was sad.

But we went on,

I don't know if I have told you,

but we went on a trip,

we would go,

I think it was four years ago,

five years ago,

and we would have worked

a lot,

and then we would go somewhere.

And then we got the answer

to book,

I got the answer to book,

book somewhere,

in Croatia,

which was supposed to be festive.

And then I told my best friend,


that we would go there,

but it was like a passenger village.

And then you go under,

and you know,

you first come up here,

look at the nice church bells,

go around the village,

and meet,

it was just like this.

It was not festive,

but festive.

Yes, exactly.

So then we got the book,

we took it off,

and William would book something,

and then he would book us

on something really fucking,

I don't know what,

but then it was festive,

in his room.


So it was we,

couple, family,

and everything possible in between.

Then it was one evening,

because I just wanted to be at the hotel,

because I was so excited

this year.

So as we went inside the hotel,

it was quiet.

And then one evening,

we had to go out,

and then we went out,

and then we met a British couple,

who were nice in the beginning,

and then I noticed

pretty quickly that

they were right as fuck.


So it happened that

his girlfriend was on us.

Dude, is it that way,

or are we going to...

Trust me.

I trust you, I trust you.

I know I'm good, I know I'm good.


But have you broken up here,

this week?


This week?

We broke up before we turned.

But where did you go?

Now I'm not going to ask.



So just when we were going inside the club,

he thought,

I don't know if he thought

we had started to argue

on his girlfriend,

or if it was something,

then maybe he thought

we were a threat

to him,

and his relationship,

and his girlfriend.

So when we got to the club,

he started to fight.

With you?

No, we were inside.

So he started to fight

with the guard.

And then we were still on the club,

and I didn't dare to go home.

And then an hour later,

I wanted to go home,

and William was gone,

because he was still on the club,

and I went home by myself.

And he was still there,

and had a party tonight.

That was the worst trip.

Because we are too similar to travel,

because we go around each other,

if I wanted in the middle,

he wanted in the middle.

There is no compromise.

Because we are on a trip together,

and we live in the same room,

we have to come over each other.

But it was like,

I could say,

I don't want to go down to the pool,

when I stay in the room,

I can go down to the pool.

Then he comes up,

and I have a desire for the pool,

and I go down.

So we go past each other.

You are in debt with each other.

And he had a big job,

to work with the guard,

so I stopped writing to the guard,

to take it as a man.

So we had to say...

But I can imagine that you are also two,

you are now,

but you are two people,

you have a lot of contact with,

with what you feel.


now I speak,

I don't feel you.

But I think you are two.

It is clear that,

when you feel so much,

that you are not two,

that now we go out and party.

And then just...

No, but one day I really got,

so I said,

now we can actually go out and party,

you do it.

Now we put everything together.

Then it ended,

but we are standing,

I will show you a clip.


if you think that I am a boy,

he is like...

He is the boy's boy.

He is the boy's boy.

So his definition of party,

I have never heard two young people,

who actually book a trip,

to such a charter,

like that.


there were not more of us, or?

You can,

there are very many places,

you could have gone to.

There were,

but we didn't do that.

No, I don't dare.

I can't do a trip with you and William.

So this is so funny.


What is this?


It was not...

There were two girls of 22 years old.

And dancing with a mother,

in such a...

Such a gorgeous dress,

you can hide,

and scratch potatoes underneath.

Stand and clap your hands,

to happy clap along,

if you feel it.

Is it William's definition of party?


Now because now...

He was so happy,

and I was so excited.

Now we put all the bars together tonight.

Clack it in the ceiling,

head in the cake,

now let's go.

You can travel together,

in two places.

I think we have to be in three,

because otherwise it will be...

It's just that I come in,

as a little joker in the play.


Do you understand?

Yes, I don't think so,

but we will see,

in the future,

if we do something like this.


I wonder which place we will take.

You can also shake each other,

in this mess.

He tends more to the danger limit.

I am the one who keeps back there.

But you are in Canary Islands,

because there are different places,

in Canary Islands.

Is that where you want to go?

No, no, no.




you could go to Palma.


I mean,

two young guys,

maybe I would actually say to you,

Palma is...

or Malis,

you could go,

maybe a little more,

where it is,


I don't know,

what would it be in Bitsa?

Could it be?


No, it's too much.

It's too much.

Yes, it's too much.


But then I think...

We suddenly changed roles,

you became the wild one.


that's what I was saying.

I thought that


or somewhere there,

I mean,


maybe Spain,


there you have something.

It's something,

that I am 26,

and I have to have you,

as a CEO and consultant,

to find party goals,

it's not good.


but then you have the illusion that

it's quite,

you can still keep it pretty safe,

just like that,

if you just look at the quarter,

you'll come in.

But why do I have to check it out?

I should just know


what I should do in this age,

and just take care of it.

I don't even know

what Christianity is in Copenhagen.


it's like,

even if you've never been interested in drugs,

and drugs,

and drugs.

Had anyone told me,

what is Christianity,

I would explain it,

and then I would look at it,

and I would say,

the Astral Ingen saga,

something like that,

like the Anglican island,

or something like that.


if you want to get a chance.

It was Sophia with the Duvdrottningen,

was it?

Is Joseph being burned in



Is it not like that?

It was like that.

Exactly like that.

Thank you,

and promise,

here comes Paloma.

She will fly in with a joint.


I'm not going to be there any more,

when you need me.


now it is.

What is it?

A brown,

brown chocolate,

that you should pour on a TV,

or what is it?

Sit down.

Sit down.


they are sitting in,

they are sitting in on this weird,

you know,

the tent stove,

it's not called,

what is it called?

When they sing,

at night.

It's weird,

when they are sitting there,

in the toilet,


it's in the toilet,

when they come in.

They are sitting there,

in the toilet,

they are all together.

They are sitting there,

with the chair.

He sang that song,

how did he sing it again?

It's a real song.

You hate me,

but no one.


you had me,

I loved,

I loved,

Brødnar Lænjörta,

so much,

the most beloved sisters,

Brødnar Lænjörta,

you had me.

I can,

and the whole brother,

that's why I don't remember the melody now.

We can.

There was a man with the toilet,

and a little guitar,

and singing,

in there.

We can clip in there,

and end with that now.


we have to do that.

We take that,

and wrap it up.

Here it comes,

and then we say,

and then we feel,

that everyone can find,

no matter if they have been,




small brothers.

It will be good,

you will meet in the middle.

Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.


Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.

Kiss and hug.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Mia har råkat ut för bluffmakare, ev Anonymås 1 och Anonymås 2 , som säljer viktminskningspreparat på nätet med fel viktreferenser och snodda bilder. Beställ icke! Skäringers mysigt flexibla schema från i höstas är nu ett minne blott och hon infinner sig på många olika platser samt i Stockholm. Uppväxter jämförs. Det är konfirmationskåpa vs snatteri i Köpenhamn.

Dessutom bakåtblick på vinst i danstävling som Miss Piggy och slagsmål med britt på charterort. Tack för att du lyssnar!

Medverkande: Mia Skäringer & Hampus Nessvold

Skäringer & Nessvold klipps och redigeras av: Micke Solkulle & Anna Spolander

Produktionsbolag: polpo play

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